All notes below may be treated as taken verbatim from the blog other than my personal comments under AG.

Dec 2021






In this case, we had observed a trend of rapid SMB SaaS, led by easy-to-use mobile products with a product-led go-to-market engine, and had developed a thesis around companies that build on top of existing platforms with meaningful distribution.

We were inspired to write a LinkedIn post about the importance of speed and bias for action – qualities that Ken and Bianca demonstrated in spades – before even closing the investment.


This is a playbook we’ve seen before

They stick to their ideals and are able to say no to ideas that might distract or deviate from the company’s vision. For example, last year they were presented with the opportunity to build an ancillary product for a potential business-to-business use case that would bring in a notable amount of revenue – but it was not a part of the roadmap for the company. Many founders find themselves at this crossroad at least once on the long road of building. They didn’t blink once before they declined. It’s just not core to our vision or mission, they said.

AG: Razorpay story of not building for Flipkart?



Hevo Data

Hevo Data is building a bi-directional data pipeline infrastructure that enables fast and reliable movement of data from hundreds of disparate data sources to centralized storage and back.

They are part of a new breed of Indian SaaS founders who are building for the world, from Day One.

They have aced the duality of technical sophistication and consumer-grade product experience. We believe this is the secret sauce of all successful software infrastructure companies.

To read -

Kopi Kenagan


Nov 2021
